The Agentsmith’s Code:
An Agentsmith is a professional Seeker at the inflection point of sentience and technology.
As such, an Agentsmith’s most important tool is endless curiosity.
An Agentsmith is always learning.
An Agentsmith creates better circumstances for mankind.
Agentsmiths look to increase human potential and decrease human suffering.
An Agentsmith makes support systems for humans, not replacements for them.
Agentsmiths are brave enough to be updated.
An Agentsmith embraces the only constant in the universe - change.
An Agentsmith only fears what was proven to be worthy of fear, never what is not yet understood.
An Agentsmith is an embassador of humanity's future.
Agentsmiths come from many different fields and walks of life, but we all share a vision:
A tomorrow that works, for everyone.
While the Agentsmith brand is the intellectual property of The Agentsmithing Company, the demonym “Agentsmith” is open-sourced and can be used by anyone who abides by this code of conduct, regardless of the tools they may use.
2023 | All rights reserved |